Monday, May 18, 2015

Gain: 5/18

Self Grading Quiz

1&2:  I looked at the tutorials and our notes on building a self grading quiz and ended up attempting to just follow our notes from class.  I was not successful as you will see in this link-

I must have missed something in my notes.  But I also tried briefly to follow the written tutorials and those did not seem to work for me either.  I am going to have to figure this out in class later today because I can't be a very good teacher in the future if I can't correctly administer quizzes!

3:  There were two major takeaways that the Graham book offered that I had not considered before the reading.  The first was in the area of classroom management and the second was in providing tools for students in research assignments.

First:  I had not considered the benefit of having so much flexibility in creating a form.  The forms created can serve a number of purposes, but one of those purposes are very unique: using the form to track student conduct.  I have been working for Boys and Girls Club for a while now and it would be great to have a form for parents to access to see how their child is doing.  We have write ups and gold stars but a form would add a big picture understanding of their child.  When this is paired with the grades of the child I believe forms can offer a very unique contribution to the child's education.

Second:  Forms can be used to help students gather data for a research assignment.  This fulfills Common Core Standards as listed on page 117 of Graham.  A student may create their own form and conduct research from it or access another form with data already available.  In any case, analyzing data is an essential step to college readiness and a standard that is rightfully enforced.

1 comment:

  1. Good thoughts. I think if you persevere you will get the self-grading quiz worked out.
